Donate your $9 today for the 1 in 9 at -
A film by Sophia Bender.
Please note - The statistics have changed from 1 in 10 women to 1 in 9 women since the making of this film. https://www.endometriosisaustralia.or...
Endo Girl is a film aimed at raising awareness of the insidious disease that takes over the lives of one in 9 women worldwide -Endometriosis. Thirteen women share their stories of what it’s like to live with this incurable disease, what an individual’s delayed journey to diagnosis is like, as well as the effect the disease has on their day-to-day lives and their closest relationships.
Brought to life through the medium of dance, the film is shocking, violating and takes the audience on a vulnerable journey, exposing what lies beneath the surface of one in 9 women worldwide.
Copyright 2019 - Bella Waru
All content, images and footage on this site are Copyrighted to Bella Waru or have otherwise been attributed or permission of use has been granted.
Graphic Design Katie Coogan-Mason © 2019